Muscle Strain Treatment in Orlando, FL
What is a strain, and when does it require treatment? This type of injury occurs when a muscle or tendon—a band of fibrous tissue that connects muscle to bone—is overstretched, sometimes to the point of tearing. An acute strain can result from a single event, such as a bout of heavy lifting. A chronic strain can develop gradually through repetitive movements, such as using a computer or running. While strains can affect any part of the body, these injuries frequently occur in the neck, shoulders, hands, low back, and thighs.
Home treatment may be sufficient for a mild to moderate muscle strain, which may heal on its own within several weeks. On the other hand, professional medical treatment may be required for a severe muscle strain, which can take several months or longer to completely heal.
What Are the Symptoms of a Muscle Strain?
Depending on the severity of the injury, a muscle strain may cause:
- Localized pain, swelling, stiffness, or tenderness
- Skin redness or bruising
- Limited range of motion
- Muscle weakness
- Muscle spasms
What Does Muscle Strain Treatment Involve?
In most cases, muscle strain treatment begins with traditional PRICE therapy, which involves:
- Protection of the injury to prevent further damage
- Rest and activity modifications to avoid painful movements
- Ice applications for 20 minutes at a time to reduce swelling as needed
- Compression of the injury with an elastic bandage
- Elevation of the injured limb above heart level
Additionally, an over-the-counter pain reliever such as acetaminophen may be taken as needed.
When to See a Physician for Muscle Strain Treatment
If muscle strain symptoms persist or worsen despite PRICE therapy and other home remedies, it is best to seek professional medical attention. Additionally, it is important to see a physician right away if the pain becomes intolerable or numbness or tingling sensations occur.
If you’re a member of Optimum Direct Care in Orlando, FL, you can receive muscle strain treatment and other primary health care services from our board-certified family practice physician, Dr. Toni “Muzzi” Muzzonigro. Contact us today to learn more or request an appointment with Dr. Muzzi.